A Prophetic VOice in a lost World
April 18, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture Passage:
Jeremiah 1:1-12, 6:1-11, 8:11​-12, 14:13​-16
Romans 1:18​-32
2 Kings 22:23​
Ephesians 1:3-14
Galatians 1:15​-16
Lamentations 3
2 Timothy 3:1-17
Sermon Points:
1. God Calls Us From Before Birth
2. God Uses Prophets During Tough Times
3. The Church is the New Covenant Prophet
4. The Prophet Compassionately Warns From God's Word
April 25, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture Passage:
Jeremiah 1:13​-18
Jeremiah 18
Jeremiah 19
Psalm 2
1 Peter 4:1-19
1 Timothy 4
1 Timothy 5
Sermon Points:
1. The General Public is Oblivious to God's Judgement
2. Judgement Begins in the Household of God
3. Running From God's Rule Brings Disaster
May 2, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture Passage:
Jeremiah 2:1-3
Ephesians 5:35-30
Revelation 18, 19
Sermon Points:
1. God's People are Considered His Bride
2. Jesus is Sanctifying His Bride With His Word
3. Jesus Will Always Protect His Bride
May 9, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 2:4-12
Isaiah 51:12-16
Sermon Points:
1. What Fault Do People Find in God?
2. Why Do People Turn to Worthless Things?
3. The Forsaking of God Begins With the Leaders
4. God is a Perfect Parent
May 23, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 2:20-29
Ezekiel 16
Romans 11:20
John 8:31, 15:1-9
Matthew 13:18-30, 4:17
Acts 2
Luke 13, 24:44-49
Sermon Points:
1. God is a God of Deliverance
2. Christian Fruit is Measured in Obedience, Not Results
3. The Choice Vine and Wild Vine Can Look Very Similar
4. Conviction is the Trigger for Repentance and Sanctification
May 16, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 2:13-19
John 4:10
Ezekiel 47
Revelation 22:1-5
Ecclesiastes 8:10-13, 12:9-14
Sermon Points:
1. The Core of All Sin is Forsaking God, and Doing Things Our Own Way
2. Are You a River of Living Water, A Well, or a Cistern?
3. The Holy Spirit is the Power Source For Christian Faith
4. Trust and Fear of God Keep us From Forsaking Him
May 30, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 2:30-3:5
1 John 8:6-10
Matthew 23
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
Romans 1:18
Exodus 13:9-16
Deuteronomy 6:8
Ezekiel 9
Revelation 22:1-5
Sermon Points:
1. That when people deny their sinfulness, they are forgetting God.
2. God will not bless those who turn to the world for blessing. He let’s us get it from where we want it.
3. God cannot welcome those who have not been cleansed by the Blood of Christ.
June 6, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Jeremiah 3:6-18, 22:5-30, 23:1-22, 30:18-24
Deuteronomy 24:1-4
Revelation 21, 22
Hebrews 8:8-13
2 Corinthians 6:16
2 Kings 19:15
Sermon Points:
1. God is Willing to Take Back His Unfaithful Bride
2. Judgement Does Not Have to Be the Final Word
3. Past Sins Can Be Forgiven and the Future Can Be Bright
June 20, 2021
Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Luke 6:43-45
Matthew 13:35, 12:36-37
John 15:1-7
Romans 10:9, 9:14-24
Acts 2:38
Sermon Points:
1. Jesus Was a Master Communicator
2. Good Fruit Serves His Kingdom
3. Good Fruit is Prepared Beforehand by God and Manifested Through Obedience