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Bread & Light

The Gospel of John

Barley & Fish
John 6:1-14

August 2, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 46:15

Scripture References:

John 6:1-14

Luke 9:1-20

1 Kings 17


Sermon Points:

1. The Gospel of the Kingdom and Miracles Cannot Be Separated

2. What Does Jesus Want From His Disciples?

3. Jesus is More Than a Prophet

4. Jesus Provides the Food, His Disciples Serve It

The King Walks on Water
John 6:15-21

August 9, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 45:33

Scripture References:

John 6:15-21

Mark 6:45-52

1 Samuel 8


Sermon Points:

1. Jesus is Lord, He Will Not Be Manipulated

2. Jesus' Closest Disciples Struggled To Know Him, Do We?

3. Miracles Authenticate Who Jesus Is

4. Fear is an Appropriate Reaction When First Meeting Jesus

I am the Bread of Life
John 6:22-59

August 16, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 40:13

Scripture References:

John 6:22-59, 4:31-38, 14:15-31

Numbers 11

Isaiah 55

Matthew 7:21, 28:18-20​

1 John 5:2-3


Sermon Points:

1. Christians distinguish between material and spiritual

2. The work of God is to put faith in Jesus. Everything else flows from that

3. Jesus, the Word of God made Flesh, is eternal life, and He must be "in you"

The Word Made Flesh
John 6:60-71

August 23, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 44:38

Scripture References:

John 6:60-71

Matthew 23:1-36

Jeremiah 15:16, 31:33

Revelation 10:9-10

Romans 9:14-28


Sermon Points:

1. How Did God Create the Universe?

2. What is Missing From a Religion Based on Works?

3. Believing the Words of God Gives Eternal Life.

4. Neglecting/Rejecting the Words of Jesus, is the Same as Rejecting Him.

Hard to Believe
John 7:1-13

August 30, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 48:17

Scripture References:

John 7:1-13, 15:18-27

2 Timothy 3

4 Zechariah 14


Sermon Points:

1. Jesus' Own Brothers Didn't Believe in Him

2. The "World" Cannot Believe Without the Spirit's Intervention

3. Very Few People Know or Believe Who Jesus Really Is

4. Be Prepared, Patient, and Courageous in Talking About Jesus

On Whose Authority?
John 7:14-24

September 6, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 46:10

Scripture References:

John 7:14-24, 3:17-12, 10:25-30, 12:23-43, 14:30-31

Ephesians 1:19-23, 2:1-3

Colossians 2:8-15

Psalm 8:6


Sermon Points:

1. Ultimate Authority Lies in the Author/Creator

2. Where Do We See The Authority of Jesus in Our Word?

3. Jesus Loved the Father By Submitting to His Authority

4. Whose Authority Are You Under? How Do You Know?


is this the Christ?
John 7:25-36

September 20, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 49:46

Scripture References:

John 7:25-36, 17:1-7

Micah 5:2

Isaiah 11

1 Corinthians 15:1-7


Sermon Points:

1. The Most Important Question for All People

2. The Enemy Tries to Hide the Reality of Jesus

3. How Did You Come to Know Jesus is the Christ?

4. Could You Clearly Explain Why Jesus is the Christ?


rivers of living water
John 7:37-39

October 4, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 48:18

Scripture References:

John 7:37-39, 4:1-42

Jeremiah 2:13, 17:13

Isaiah 55

Ezekiel 47:1-12

Revelation 22:1-5

Nehemiah 9:15-31


Sermon Points:

1.The 'Rivers of Life' Represent the Holy Spirit and Eternal Life

2. Proper Worship Includes Spirit and Truth

3. The Church is the Source of the Rivers of Life Until Jesus Returns

4. We Represent the Leaves That Heal the Nations


Jesus Divides
John 7:40-52

October 25, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 42:28

Scripture References:

John 7:40-52, 16:8-15

2 Corinthians 6:3-7:1

Matthew 6:9, 10:34-38

Luke 2:14, 12:49-53

Jude 3:23


Sermon Points:

1. Jesus Divides Simply By His Nature

2. The Church is to Demonstrate His Nature

3. Seek Unity in the Church, Not the World

4. Love and Rescue the World, Don't Try to Fix It


Throwing the First Stone
John 7:53-8:11

November 1, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 37:40

Scripture References:

John 7:53:8:11, 5:14

Leviticus 20:10

Deuteronomy 22:13-30

Jeremiah 17:13

Matthew 7:1-5

Romans 12-15


Sermon Points:

1. Always Judge Self Accurately Before Judging Others

2. Love, Forgiveness, & Holiness are the Goals

3. Seek to Understand Rather Than Judge

4. Stand Firm on Biblical Truth, Not Opinions


Light of the world
John 8:12-30

November 8, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 41:11

Scripture References:

John 8:12-30, 1:4-5, 5:30-47, 17:12-15, 12:25-36

Exodus 13:21

Matthew 4:15-16, 5:14

Luke 1:78-79

Ephesians 5:1-18

Hebrew 11:6

Romans 8:6-11

Acts 26:16-18


Sermon Points:

1. The Light Gives Life Through the Gospel

2. The Light Guides and Protects

3. The Light Exposes Sin and Darkness

4. The Light Please God


Who's Your Father?
John 8:31-47

November 15, 2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 40:47

Scripture References:

John 8:31-47

Romans 9:6-8

Galatians 3-4

1 Corinthians 5:12-13, 10:20-22

1 John 2:28-4:6

James 2:14-26, 3:13-4:10

Revelation 2:1-3:22


Sermon Points:

1. Who is Your Spiritual Father?

2. How Do You Know?

3. A Child of God Abides in His Words

4. The Church Discerns the Spirits and Expels the Spirit of Satan and the World


I am
John 8:48-59

November 22,2020

Sean Harder

Grace Mennonite Church
00:00 / 37:32

Scripture References:

John 8:48-59

Colossians 1:9-20

Exodus 3:10-15

Romans 11:36

1 Corinthians 8:6-7, 11:12

Job 42:1-6


Sermon Points:

1. Nothing Exists Without Jesus

2. Jesus is God

3. Look for I AM in All Circumstances


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