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all things new

December 31, 2023

Pastor Sean Harder


Going Deeper:

1. Does Scripture support separate/different covenants for Israel and the Church?

2. When did God pour out His Spirit upon Israel? (Isa 44:3-8; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:15-21)

January 7, 2023

Pastor Sean Harder


Going Deeper:

1. Why do you think the church, through history, has had such a difficult time agreeing on what Revelation means?

2. What is the end result, regardless of how we interpret the details of Revelation?

January 14, 2023

Pastor Sean Harder


Going Deeper:

1. Do you think it's possible that the New Jerusalem is already in the spiritual sense, and not yet in the perfected physical sense?

2. How are the Old Covenant saints, the New Covenant saints, and the angels necessary for each other in this Holy city?

January 28, 2023

Pastor Sean Harder


Going Deeper:

1. How do you deal with the tension between what Scripture actually says, and your preconceptions and beliefs?

2. As you study Scripture, can you believe that the New Jerusalem already exists as the Church? Why or why not?

February 4, 2023

Pastor Sean Harder


Going Deeper:

1. How have you understood Jesus "coming soon" at the end of Revelation? How does that influence your life? 

2. Regardless of our interpretations of Revelation, how do we respond to what we know for sure in that book?

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