The Chosen Ones
Birth of God's People
June 7, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Scripture references:
Genesis 35:1-15, 32:22-32, 28:10-22
1 Timothy 1:7
Exodus 19-20
Acts 17:30-31
1 Peter 1:3-9
Ezekiel 36:22-28
Sermon Points:
1. What Does it Mean to Be God's Chosen People?
2. Demonstrated Faith is the Primary Quality of a Child of God
3. God's People Have a Mutual Covenant With Him
4. God Mercifully Tests His Children's Faith
June 14, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Scripture references:
Genesis 37-50
Exodus 1:8-14
Romans 6-8
Ephesians 2:2
1 Peter 2
Psalm 52
Sermon Points:
1. Joseph's Slavery Became Salvation For His People
2. Forgetting History Makes us Slaves of the Moment
3.Where Are you Still a Slave to the Flesh?
4. True Freedom Comes from Being an Obedient Slave to Jesus
Salvation from Slavery
June 21, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Scripture references:
Exodus 7-12
Galatians 3-6
Colossians 1-2
John 8
Sermon points:
1. We are Saved From Death
2. We are Saved From Slavery to the Law, Flesh, and World
3. Salvation is Not Just For the Afterlife, But This Life as Well
Wandering & Testing
June 28, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Scripture references:
Exodus 16-20
Deuteronomy 7-8
Hebrews 5:8-13
Ephesians 4:1-16
Sermon points:
1.The Faith Journey is a Marathon
2. What is the Race Toward? - Maturity
3. Spiritual and Emotional Maturity are Intimately Connected
4. Deep Faith in Jesus is the Cure for Immaturity
The Promised Land
July 5, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Scripture References:
Deuteronomy 5:29-6:9
1 Corinthians 10
1 Peter 1:10-18
Hebrews 9-10
Revelation 19:11-21, 21, 22
Sermon Points:
1. Christians are New Creatures Living in a New Kingdom Today
2. The Promised Land is More Spiritual (Eternal) than Physical
3. Judgment Comes Before Entry into the Promised Land
4. The Greatest Christian Love is Helping People Find the Promised Land
Fulfillment & Presentation of the Bride
July 12, 2020
Pastor Sean Harder
Sermon Points are unavailable at this time.